Si soy tan buena, ¿por qué estoy soltera? Los 7 errores que cometen las mujeres en el amor
Categories: General Interest, Self-help, Cooking
10 razones para leer este libro:
Piensas que no tienes suerte en el amor.
Crees que no quedan hombres buenos.
Otras mujeres encuentran fácilmente pareja y tú no.
Te rompieron el corazón y tienes miedo a enamorarte.
En el juego del amor sueles dar mucho y recibir poco.
Los candidatos que atraes no son buenos partidos.
Tienes pareja, pero sientes que mereces algo mejor.
Deseas encontrar a alguien que te valore y se muera por ti.
Quieres saber el tiempo indicado para acostarte con un hombre.
Tienes miedo a quedarte sola.
Top 10 reasons to read this book:
You think you’re unlucky in love.
You believe there aren’t any more good men out there.
Love comes easily to every woman but you.
Someone broke your heart and you are afraid of falling in love again.
In love, you are usually on the giving and not the receiving end.
You tend to attract the wrong type of man.
You are in a relationship but feel you deserve something better.
You want to find that one person that would give anything for you.
You want to know which is the right time to have sex.
You are afraid of staying single.
In Si soy tan buena, ¿por qué estoy soltera?, you will discover the secrets of women who are in happy and fulfilling relationships. This über-useful guide answers all your worries and questions in the area of love and relationships. In its pages you will learn how to find that relationship you so yearn for.