Sé feliz ¡ya!: Descubre el poder de la Ley de Atracción

Categories: General Interest, Self-help, Cooking

Author: Carrasco, Alicia

Girol Number: 13944

ISBN: 978-84-03-51989-3

Publisher: Aguilar

Location: Barcelona

Year: 2020

Edition: 1. ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Plastified Softcover with Flaps

Deja ir tu pasado, acepta tu presente y empieza a crear tu futuro.

Este libro es la llave que te conduce hacia el verdadero éxito de tu alegría. Si sueñas con un futuro distinto, quieres cambiar de vida, descubrir cuáles son tus verdaderas aspiraciones y disfrutar de la felicidad en este momento,”Sé feliz ¡ya!” te propone un viaje interior que te recuerda lo poderoso que eres y que de ti depende hacer que te pasen cosas buenas.

Alicia Carrasco, coach y conferenciante experta en Ley de Atracción, te invita a participar en una experiencia de felicidad que construyes tú mismo.”Sé feliz ¡ya!” es una combinación de teoría, Ley de Atracción, experiencias personales, herramientas, reflexiones y preguntas para que vayas entrenando y fortaleciendo el músculo de la felicidad. Las 5 claves de tu felicidad: 1. Relajación; 2. Conexión; 3. Entendimiento; 4. Entrenamiento; 5. Inspiración.


Let go of your past, accept your present, and start building your future.

This book is the key that will lead you to joy and true happiness. If you dream of a better future, or you want to change your life, discover what your true goals and objectives are, and enjoy happiness right now, Be Happy Now! proposes an inner journey that reminds you of how powerful you are and that it is truly up to you to make good things happen for yourself.

Alicia Carrasco is a coach and expert lecturer on the Law of Attraction; in this work she invites you to take part in a truly happy experience that you can build for yourself. Be Happy Now! is a combination of theory, Law of Attraction, personal experiences, tools for personal growth, reflections, and questions so that you can train and strengthen the happiness muscle.

5 keys to your happiness:

1. Relaxation; 2. Connection; 3. Understanding; 4. Training; 5. Inspiration. Be Happy Now! proposes a journey from happiness to success. So that your reading experience can be a productive one, it is essential that you have a notebook or any writing device on hand where you can work on the exercises that she proposes throughout the book.

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