¡Qué confusión! (A partir de 3-5)
Categories: Children: Chapter Books

Isabel y Enrique van a casa de su abuela después de la escuela. Allí siempre encuentran cómo divertirse: pintan, cuidan las plantas, se mojan y terminan llenos de lodo, de modo que cualquiera podría confundirlos con cochinitos.
Isabel and Enrique are spending the day at Grandma’s. They play with modeling clay and markers, and then they go out to the garden to plant some seeds and water the plants. What a mess! They are all full of mud! Grandma decides to hose them down right there in the orchard. Now Isabel, Enrique, Grandma, and the dog are soaking wet! This very entertaining story written in verse will motivate children to talk about their favorite games and pastimes and to reflect upon their relationship with their grandparents.