Al otro lado del mundo

Categories: Spanish Peninsular Narrative

Author: Perales, José Luis

Girol Number: 13876

ISBN: 978-84-01-02244-9

Publisher: Plaza y Janés

Location: Barcelona

Year: 2020

Edition: 1. ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket

Llega la novela más autobiográfica de José Luis Perales. Una emotiva y tierna historia en la que el cantante y escritor ahonda a través de la ficción en su infancia, su formación, sus deseos y el comienzo de su pasión por la música.

Marcelo es un niño de siete años inquieto como una cola de lagartija. Lo que más le gusta en el mundo es pasar el verano con sus abuelos, José y Valentina, en el pueblo: El Castro. Juntos dan paseos por el río, pescan, juegan y charlan de todo un poco. En sus conversaciones, el abuelo le cuenta a su nieto historias de su familia y de cómo era El Castro cuando él nació.

A través de ellas, José relatará su infancia, la repentina partida del pueblo a los catorce años, la difícil estancia en un internado y el descubrimiento de la música, que consiguió que superara los momentos más complicados de su adolescencia y le dio un objetivo en la vida: ser compositor, cantante y cumplir el sueño de grabar su primer disco.


The most autobiographical novel by the beloved Jose Luis Perales to date. An emotional and tender story in which the singer and writer, through fiction, delves into his childhood, his training, his desires, and the beginning of his passion for music.

Marcelo is a restless seven-year-old boy. What he likes most in the world is spending the summer with his grandparents, Jose and Valentina, in their town: El Castro. Together they take walks along the river, fish, play, and chat about a little bit of everything. In his conversations, the grandfather tells his grandson stories about his family and how El Castro was when he was young.

Through these pages, Jose Luis will share about his childhood, his sudden departure from the town at fourteen, his difficult time while staying at a boarding school, and the discovery of music, which helped him overcome the most difficult moments of his adolescent years and gave him a goal in life: being a composer, a singer, and fulfilling the dream of recording his first album.

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